A Glorious Day – Daily Dispatch for 3/1/19

Freaking Finally

Opening/Random Thoughts

Hey friends, happy Friday and happy March! Not a lot has happened since the last one of these digests, so I’ve not much report, but I’m basically doing this because a TON of stuff has happened JUST TODAY, so I wanted to cover all the bases. Here we go!

Today’s Video(s)

Last night on Divinity: Original Sin, there was no content AT ALL. What there was, however, was a lot of story, and a lot of hilarity. Our characters actually got into an argument that was solved with actual rock, paper, scissors. This game is such a delight!

Today’s News

Today’s Deal(s)

  • None today, sadly!

What I’ve Been Playing

  • Assassin’s Creed: Origin – This game just keeps getting better and better. I give such a shit about what happens to Bayek of Sewa. The naval combat though, that could go, really.

That’s it for this busy day! Have a great weekend y’all!

Author: Brian Rubin

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