SGJ Podcast #298 – Games as a Service


Welcome to this week’s latest podcast. This week, Jim, Spaz, Hunter and I sit down to talk about games as a service! This includes streaming services like Playstation Now, subscription download services such as Microsoft Gamepass or Uplay+, or even individual games like The Division. It’s a pretty lively discussion that I’m sadly not a part of due to a family issue cropping up during the show. ;)

Next week, we’re gonna talk about sequels we’ve been wanting for years. Not just easy stuff like Freespace 3 or Conquest: Frontier Wars 2, but you know, really serious stuff. ;) As always, if you have any questions or comments, please drop them in the comments below, email us at or hit us up on the forums.

Show Notes

Games Mentioned

  • CSC
  • Entropa Universe
  • Crimson Skies
  • Crackdown 3
  • Astroneer
  • Warframe
Author: Brian Rubin

1 thought on “SGJ Podcast #298 – Games as a Service

  1. Digital Extreme is doing it right with Warframe. They get my money because I want them to have it and not because I’m being extorted. You spend your money on cosmetics or if you’re impatient and want to rush crafting or boost drop rates.. You can even sell your surplus loot to other players for in-game currency as well.

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