Elite Dangerous: The Guardians 2.2 Update Live


Friends, the massive Guardians update for Elite Dangerous has now gone live, with some server outages as stated below. The change log, linked below, is absolutely MASSSSSSSSIVE. I hope to dive back in this weekend my own self. Anyway, here’s the skinny:

Hi guys, The time has finally arrived! Today sees both the Elite Dangerous Horizons (2.2) update and the Elite Dangerous (1.7) update making its way to the live game. For those of you who haven’t experienced a big milestone day, these updates can take several hours to install and make live. The servers will be down from 10am BST (15 minutes) and will be down for an extended period of time (up to 8+ hours) Xbox One players will see that the download will be available from 11am to

Source: Elite Dangerous: The Guardians 2.2 update

Author: Brian Rubin

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