So y’all might’ve noticed that I’ve been quiet since Monday. Well, you know what’s worse than getting sick? Getting sick on one’s birthday! YAY! Great present, huh? ;) Right now I barely have the energy to get work done and little else, so until I feel better posting will be sporadic. I just wanted to keep y’all updated. Thanks as always for visiting, and I’ll try to get back on the horse as soon as I’m well enough. :) Have a great day/week! Love y’all! ;)
Home » Miscellaneous » Off-Topic: Siiiiiick AGAIN. :(
Off-Topic: Siiiiiick AGAIN. :(
Brian Rubin 02/06/2013 16 Comments on Off-Topic: Siiiiiick AGAIN. :(
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Author: Brian Rubin
Holy Jumpin’ Jeebus, Brian. Gotta put you into quarantine when you get better. That’ll keep ya healthy. Or just stay and live in a Viper cockpit. I’m sure that’ll keep you safe from germs (and Cylons). Get better soon.
Hey, it’s not my fault that I live with a teacher who interacts with little petrie dishes full of the plague every day. ;) :P
Kids? Students? You mean those Portable Bio-Warfare Units?
Yes, tiny plague carriers.
haha, classic
dude brian, i think strange is right tho, we need to quarantine you!
I will not live in a plastic bubble, sir.
That stinks! Hope you feel better soon! Being sick stinks in a big way, not just because you don’t feel well enough to shower…
Thanks man, and ew to no showering. Ew.
The first year I was married to an ICU nurse, I used nearly a whole month of sick leave. After that first year I built up enough immunity that I didn’t use more than five six days per year over the next ten years…until she went to work for a cardiologist…such is life. Get well soon Brian. .
Heh, yeah, it feels like that. Next year we’re both totally getting flu shots.
I myself work at home with my own little two petri dishes. Snot, cough, oozing bodily fluids and viruses in every color of the rainbow are hence my everyday life. I understand what you are going through Brian, but hey, what does not kill you makes your blog stronger !
Flu shots are a good idea, I wish I could get noise shots so that I could develop 4X games at home without the petri dishes whining in my ears…
Those who see the doctor every week salute you !!
PS: in my previous comment,my site url got pirated in some weird way, and my URL was replaced with a gravatar one?
Welcome to the blog Pavlos! Yeah, seems pretty common, this cold crap. Now, tell me about your game. ;)
Alas, I need a programmer to make the bloody game :) I can do anything else: design, model, make a game-design, make sound effects (with or without using suspicious orifices), belly-dance -but coding I gave up (even though I enjoyed Director in the olde days). Me coding was like trying to build a rocket with paper and glue: it might have looked damn fine on the launchpad, but it would not take anyone anywhere haha.
So I lurk around looking for a programmer and preparing myself for it. Reading forums, blogs and knitting.
Are you actively looking for a programmer?
As actively as I can without becoming a felon or promising away the hand of daughter. Yes.
Get better soon dude.