SGJ Podcast #446 – The New Rise of the Accessible Flight Sim

Taking out a Hind with a Hellfire. Like a Pro.

Hey friends, welcome to this week’s show! Sorry, it’s a day late, sadly yesterday totally got away from me. This week, Spaz, Julie, Thorston, Jacob, David and I sit down to talk about the new rise in accessible, approachable flight sims/games. This includes games like Tiny Combat Arena, Nuclear Option, and Helicopter Gunship DEX, amongst others. We talk about these games, wax and wane about the classics, and have a fun discussion on sims old and new.

Next week, it’s time for our regular check-in with each other, and you fine folks! As always, if you have any questions or comments, please drop them in the comments below, email us at or hit us up on the forums. Thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!

Author: Brian Rubin

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